As an administrator, you have the ability to organize that Navigation within your Catalog.
By default, programs and courses created in Curriculum Management will display, but you can configure the additional content and add external links as you see fit.
Set Order
The default order of the catalog content will be as follows:
- Courses
- Programs
- Policies
- Addenda
You can edit this order or add additional items as needed.
- To edit or add additional items, start by selecting the Catalog you'd like to edit.
- Click on the Settings tab in the navigation menu that appears.
- To reorder items, click on the menu icon () and drag the the item into the order you would like. When you release it in the new location, it will save automatically.
- To add additional items to the menu, click on Add Content Set or Item to Navigation Menu.
- From the menu, select any Content Items or Content Sets you'd like to add to the navigation, and then drag them into the proper position.
- The changes will be saved automatically and will be live on your catalog immediately.
Remove Items
You can remove items from the navigation as needed. Items removed from the navigation are not deleted from the catalog, and may still be accessed through a link or search.
- To remove items from the navigation, start by selecting the Catalog you'd like to edit.
- Click on the Settings tab in the navigation menu that appears.
- Click the Delete icon () to the right of any item you would like to remove.
If you remove an item by accident, you can add it back to the Navigation by following the steps under Set Order.
Add External Links
External links may be added if you need to place a link in your navigation to another website, such as your institutional website. A common example may be to link to a campus map or calendar.
- To add an external link, start by selecting the Catalog you'd like to edit.
- Click on the Settings tab in the navigation menu that appears.
- Click on the Add External Link button in the upper-right corner.
- In the menu that appears, enter the the title of the link as you want it to appear in the Navigation into the title field, and the URL into the External URL field.
- Click Save to save the link, or Cancel to return to the previous screen.
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